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About the TEN Network Association

Introduction and Vision

Mission Statement

The TEN Network Association, the Association, aims to push forward the growth and development of the open-source TEN Network software protocol, building a lively and engaged community around it.


The Association is a not-for-profit organization based in Switzerland, dedicated to promoting, developing, and supporting the TEN software protocol and its ecosystem. The Association’s goal is to tackle challenges within the Web3 space through decentralized governance and community-driven projects.

Governance and Structure

The Association operates as a Swiss Association governed by Swiss law. The legal foundation includes the Articles of Association, General Assembly Regulations, Organizational Regulations, and Governance Regulations.

Organizational Structure

There are a number of bodies within the Association. New bodies can be created over time.

  1. TEN Governance, or DAO: participants in the TEN ecosystem who submit proposals for the advancement of TEN.
  2. General Assembly: the top decision-making body made up of all members.
  3. Board: manages and oversees the Association's operations.
  4. Subcommittees: created to handle specific tasks and projects, for example, the administration of grant programs.

Decision-Making Process

Decisions are made through a combination of General Assembly votes and decentralized governance mechanisms using TEN tokens. Each token gives you one vote, and you can delegate your voting rights. You also need to hold the TEN tokens for at least 30 days. This prevents flash loan attacks. Responsible progress of TEN’s evolution is essential to its long term health and well being. If a proposal is voted in by the DAO but it would be bad for the mission of the TEN Network Association or if a law or regulation would be broken then the Board can step in to assist.

Projects and Initiatives

Ongoing Projects

The Association supports a variety of projects aimed at improving TEN and its ecosystem, including software development, community-building, and educational initiatives. The Association also selects specific teams to help develop and enrich the TEN.

Proposals and Voting

DAO members can submit proposals for new projects or changes to the protocol. Proposals are reviewed and voted on by participants in the TEN ecosystem.

Community and Communication

Communication Channels

There are a number of communication channels dedicated to different purposes so all participants in the TEN ecosystem have an opportunity to engage widely with their fellow ecosystem participants.

The Association website is the main hub for information and updates.
The Association forum is specifically focused on discussions on submitted improvement proposal. Improvement proposals will contain a link to the relevent discussion in the forum.
You can follow the Association on X for updates and the latest news.

Community Guidelines

We encourage respect, constructive feedback, and collaboration. We have clear guidelines and disciplinary actions for breaches.

Disclaimers are provided about the nature of the Association, risks involved, and legal obligations of members.

Compliance Information

The Association adheres to Swiss laws and regulations, and compliance information is regularly updated and published.

Feedback and Improvement

Feedback Mechanisms

Participants of the TEN ecosystem can provide feedback through the TEN Discord server, occasional surveys, and direct communication using the contact details below.

Continuous Improvement

Processes are in place for continuous improvement based on community feedback, ensuring the Association evolves and adapts to meet its goals effectively.

The Association can be contacted by email:

The Association’s mailing address is:
TEN Network Association,
c/o MJP Partners AG,
Bahnhofstrasse 20,
6300 Zug