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Ten offers compatibility with a subset of Ethereum's JSON-RPC API. This document outlines the supported JSON-RPC API methods.

Supported Methods

Ten nodes cater to the following JSON-RPC API methods, accessible via both HTTP and websockets:

  • eth_blockNumber
  • eth_call
  • eth_chainId
  • eth_estimateGas
  • eth_gasPrice
  • eth_getBalance
  • eth_getBlockByHash
  • eth_getBlockByNumber
  • eth_getCode
  • eth_getLogs
  • eth_getTransactionByHash
  • eth_getTransactionCount
  • eth_getTransactionReceipt
  • eth_sendRawTransaction

Websocket Subscriptions

For websocket connections, additional API methods include:

  • eth_subscribe
  • eth_unsubscribe

Currently, the sole supported subscription type is logs.