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Sensitive APIs

Ten supports a subset of Ethereum's JSON-RPC API.

Some of these methods deal with sensitive information. For example, the response to an eth_getBalance request will contain the balance of an account. An attacker could intercept this response to discover a user's balance. To avoid this, the requests and responses for methods deemed sensitive are encrypted and decrypted by the hosted gateway. To ensure a good user experience, this process is invisible to the end user.

This page details which JSON-RPC API methods are deemed sensitive, and the rules governing who is able to decrypt the response to a given method call.

Sensitive JSON-RPC API Methods

Of the methods above, the following are deemed sensitive, and their requests and responses are encrypted in transit:

  • eth_call: Response can only be decrypted by the owner of the account in the request's from field
  • eth_estimateGas: Response can only be decrypted by the owner of the account in the request's from field
  • eth_getBalance: Response can only be decrypted by:
    • For account addresses: The owner of the account
    • For contract addresses: The owner of the account that deployed the contract
  • eth_getLogs: Response can only be decrypted by the owner of the account, and only includes logs relevant to that account
  • eth_getTransactionByHash: Response can only be decrypted by the signer of the transaction
  • eth_getTransactionCount: Response can only be decrypted by the owner of the address
  • eth_getTransactionReceipt: Response can only be decrypted by the signer of the transaction
  • eth_sendRawTransaction: Response can only be decrypted by the signer of the transaction