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Develop & Deploy dApp

1. Develop Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are the backbone of your dApp, defining its rules and operations. Begin your development in Solidity based on the instructions here.

2. Develop the Frontend

Use common web tools like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can consider ReactJs, VueJs to enhance development. To connect your frontend to Ethereum, choose a library such as Web3.js or Ether.js. See supported libraries here.

3. Integrating Ten Gateway

Users need to configure their wallets to connect with Ten the first time they access your dApp.

  • Gateway: During the initial user onboarding, prompt users to visit the Ten Gateway. By clicking "Connect to Ten Testnet" and following the on-screen instructions, they can easily configure their wallets. Learn more about the Hosted Ten Gateway here.

4. Test & Deploy the Dapp

Before the final deployment, test your dApp in a controlled environment. This ensures that it interacts correctly with the blockchain and provides the desired user experience. Once satisfied with your dApp's functionality and performance, deploy it for public access.

5. Verify & Track the Deployment

Post-Deployment it's essential to monitor your dApps performance and user interactions. Use the TenScan block explorer to verify and inspect the details of your deployed contract. This tool provides insights into transactions, contract interactions, and more. Learn how to use the block explorer here.