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Explore Contracts in Ten

Ten offers a distinct environment for smart contract development so you'll need to consider how to design your dApps slightly differently from how you would a transparent dApp. This guide explains these differences:

1. Accessing Storage Values

While both Ethereum and Ten allow easy access to public variables, their handling of private variables differs significantly, highlighting Ethereum's transparency challenges and Ten's privacy solutions.

Ethereum's Transparency Challenge

In Ethereum, private variables are intended to be accessed solely through functions. However, due to Ethereum's transparent nature, a workaround exists using the getStorageAt function. This method can bypass the designated functions, making true private data storage unattainable.

Example: Accessing a private variable in Ethereum:

uint256 value = eth.getStorageAt(contractAddress, position);

Ten's Privacy Solution

To provide privacy on Ethereum, Ten has disabled the getStorageAt function. This ensures that private variables can only be accessed via their associated functions, providing genuine programmable privacy.

Example: Accessing a private variable in Ten:

private uint256 privateVariable;

function getPrivateVariable() public view returns (uint256) {
return privateVariable;

In summary, while Ethereum's transparency poses challenges for true data privacy, Ten offers a robust solution by ensuring that private data remains genuinely private.

2. Access Control for Functions

In smart contract development, it's essential to ensure that only authorized entities can access certain functions. This is achieved using access control mechanisms.

Access Control Using require

The require statement in Solidity is a straightforward way to enforce access control. It checks a condition, and if the condition is not met, the function execution stops, and an optional error message is thrown.


address owner = msg.sender;

function restrictedFunction() public {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only the owner can call this function.");
// Rest of the function logic

This example ensures that only the contract's owner can call the restrictedFunction.

3. Event Visibility

Ten has specific event visibility rules:

  • Lifecycle events without an address parameter are public.
  • Events with an address parameter related to an account are private.


// Public event on Ten
event LifecycleEvent(uint256 indexed value);

// Private event on Ten
event AccountEvent(address indexed account, uint256 value);

4. Secure Random Number Generation in Ten

Random number generation on blockchains is challenging due to timing, delay, complexity, and fees. Ten offers a unique, immediate, and secure solution.

Challenges with On-Chain Randomness

  1. Timing: If block producers predict randomness, they can manipulate results.
  2. Delay: Many solutions introduce a delay, affecting user experience.
  3. Complexity & Fees: Solutions like oracles add overhead and costs.

Ten's Solution

Ten nodes run on secure enclave's, ensuring:

  • Immediate Randomness: No delays.
  • Unpredictability: Random numbers are based on an inaccessible private seed.
  • Simplicity & No Extra Fees: Every transaction gets its random seed.


function getRandomNumber() public view returns (uint256) {
// Ten network injects a secure and unique seed to the prevrandao property, note: on other EVM chains this code would be exploitable by MEV bots
return uint256(block.prevrandao);

Ten's approach ensures secure and straightforward random number generation. For more information on using randomness in Ten, take a look at the Random Numbers page.

5. Gas Consumption

Gas consumption is a vital consideration in smart contract development. On Ten, it's essential to optimize your contract functions to ensure efficient gas usage. Always test your contracts in a simulated environment before deploying to gauge gas consumption.